A parent’s job of getting his or her kids off the couch has never been harder. Instead of neighborhood kids meeting on the playground to play tag, kickball or jump rope, kids are now enjoying computer and video games, as well as watching television and movies. Fortunately, it’s never too late to get your little one moving and burning calories. The key to making it work is to set a good example yourself. Parents are responsible for their kids health and well-being, and there’s no better way to promote physical fitness and exercise than by doing so yourself.
To start, establish a routine or schedule that incorporates exercise each day or several times throughout the week. Choose activities that your children can engage in as well, such as riding bikes to the supermarket or rollerblading throughout the neighborhood. Let your kids plant some vegetable plants or flowers in the garden and take part in healthy eating. While it’s great to spend time being physically fit as a family, don’t think that going off to exercise on your own isn’t beneficial. This gives you some quiet time and shows your children that exercising is a priority in your life. Also be sure to limit your screen time as well.
Not only is exercising part of being a good role model for your children, but so is eating healthy. Stick to nutritious foods and snacks, and pay attention to serving sizes and calories. To help with this, cut up fruits and veggies and serve them with fun dips, such as peanut butter or low fat dressing. Keeping healthy foods in the house will prompt both you and your kids to make healthy decisions.