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Diet Habits to Live Healthy
In order to get an attractive body and good health, you need to focus on what you eat. Your diet is directly linked with your physical appearance and your overall health. Even if you are on a diet plan and do some exercise regularly, you will not get the desired results as long as you […]
To be Healthy you need healthy habits
Although there are a large number of diet plans and gym facilities available, a lot of people face difficulty in losing weight. The problem does not lie with the diet plans or the trainers; it lies with your habits. As long as you do not develop healthy habits, you will not be able to lose […]
Healthy Eating Tips for when you eat out
Despite the trend of gorging on unhealthy, fat-laden food when eating out, it is possible to maintain a healthy diet when eating away from the comforts of home. The key to eating out healthily is simply: everything in moderation. The main problem of restaurants is not always the food but the portion sizes. Typically, your […]
Healthy Options when eating at a restaurant
If you’re on a diet or concerned about your health, eating out in a restaurant presents many problems. Navigating restaurant menus can seem like trying to make your way through a calorie laden minefield, but with a a little knowledge and common sense, you can enjoy eating out while still maintaining your diet. One of […]
Stroke Prevention And Lack Of Sleep
We have all heard about the roles lack of exercise, obesity, overweight and bad diet relate to stroke. Amir Khan in the International Science Times uncovers a study that Lack Of Sleep Increases Likelihood of Stroke. You can refer to the complete article at: iScienceTimes.com. Here are some excerpts: “People know how important diet and […]
Healthy Eating Preventing Childhood Diabetes
A very informative news post with a slide show, demonstrates how healthy eating can prevent childhood diabetes. Following our video we will bring an excerp from the article. Healthy Eating A Key Diabetes Preventive Factor “The number of Americans diagnosed with diabetes or pre-diabetes is on the rise. And the figures are particularly stark for […]
Prevent Diabetes
The video provides several simple rules that can help you prevent this malady. 4 Ways to Prevent Diabetes In Diabetes mellitus (DM) the body cannot regulate the amount of sugar (specifically, glucose) in the blood. which gives you energy to perform your activities. Glucose is produced by the liver. The blood glucose level is regulated […]
You Can Lower Blood Pressure With Food
Hypertension can be a killer! Stroke and coronary heart are major causes of death in the USA. High blood pressure has been identified as a major contributing factor. Watch this informative video now.The National Institute for Health established the pressure measurements. They determined that blood pressure levels of 140/90 mmHg or more as hypertension. Unfortunately, […]
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