Healthy Snack Ideas

In our fast paced world, spurned off of technology, 24/7 access, and being too busy to cook at times, it is important to eat healthy. When you are feeling a little hungry, but it isn’t time for lunch yet at the office, or you are looking for energy on the go, try these 5 snacks.

An apple makes a great first snack choice. Apples are crispy, sweet, and come in many alluring colors. Fruit makes for a great healthy snack choice, because it offers a natural sugar pick me up, and the water content minimizes fat absorption.

A banana is another great fruit snack, because it is colorful, easy to carry, and packs a punch of potassium. Bananas give you fuel to keep going. Did you know that many athletes while they are biking, jogging, or engaging in other activities choose to fuel up on a banana?

Pretzels and whole wheat crackers which are unsalted, or contain minimal salt levels are two great snack. When you are looking for a snack that is small, tasty, crunchy, and gives you a bit of healthy-snackssalt, look no further. Pretzels and whole wheat crackers can be found in small snack sizes, so you can avoid choosing a big bargain size box, that may encourage overeating.

A final snack which is packed with nutritional benefits, if you choose the brand carefully, is the energy bar. Energy bars like Luna specially made for women, or Cliff Bars for example, are full of various ingredients to help keep you energized, and feeling full enough to go on with your day. Healthy snacks fuel you the best!


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