Save your health – Avoiding Smoking

Living healthy is a goal that many people want to achieve. One main thing that you can do to help achieve the goal of living a healthy life is to avoid smoking. Cigarettes contain all sorts of chemicals that are bad for you such as tar, carbon monoxide and nicotine. These chemicals will cause negative effects on your heart, lung and stomach.

The easiest way to avoid smoking is to never start. Smoking is one of the hardest addictions to quit. Your body becomes addicted to the nicotine and if you chose to smoke menthol cigarettes your body also becomes addicted to the menthol. Think about how hard the withdrawal and quitting process will be before you decide to pick up a cigarette.

Many smokers attribute their addiction to stress that they feel in their lives. There are many other ways to help alleviate stress that you are feeling without lighting up. When you begin to live-healthy-no-smokingfeel overwhelmed with stress call a friend, go for a walk, go to the gym and workout, mow the lawn or wash your car. If you start to do something else to get your mind off of whatever is bothering you then you won’t dwell on whatever stressful situation is haunting you.

Avoid smoking at all costs and save your body from harm. Don’t put yourself at risk of developing cancer (smoking is the cause of many different forms of cancer), bronchitis or emphysema. Take the precautions now and live a long healthy life. You only have this one life, do what you can to preserve it and live to the fullest.


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