Healthy lifestyle food choices

Diet remains one of the key elements to a healthy lifestyle along with exercise and proper rest. Making the right food choices allows you to feel better and look better, resulting in a healthy lifestyle.

Healthy lifestyle food choices center around food groups, variety, and common sense. You know the food groups already. Eating meat provides protein. Dairy products such as milk and yogurt generate strong bones. Grains such as whole wheat bread, pastas, and rice provide nutrition and substantive calories for strength and endurance. Beans and seeds contain fiber and nutrients that round out your diet. Vegetables are filled with vitamins that sustain cell life and enable your body to function properly and efficiently. Fruits naturally provide vitamins, fiber, and anti-oxidants that promote healthy tissues.

Eat a variety of foods from the list above to round out your diet in a healthy and life giving way. If you eat too much meat or pasta you’ll get fat. Too many fruits and vegetables may leave you weak and skinny. A variety of healthy foods from each food group is the best choice for a healthy-food-choiceshealthy lifestyle.

Don’t forget common sense along the way as you investigate and experiment with good eating habits. Too much fiber will keep you in the bathroom all day long while not enough will send you to the hospital. An apple a day keeps the doctor away but three apples a day will stress your system.

Realize that eating healthy doesn’t mean you can’t have special treats or dessert. Pick your favorites and save them up for the right moments. Enjoy the food God has given.


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