Healthy Eating Preventing Childhood Diabetes

A very informative news post with a slide show, demonstrates how healthy eating can prevent childhood diabetes. Following our video we will bring an excerp from the article.

Healthy Eating A Key Diabetes Preventive Factor

“The number of Americans diagnosed with diabetes or pre-diabetes is on the rise. And the figures are particularly stark for teenagers — nearly tripling in the last decade.

The accompanying slide show contains vital health information – some of which may surprise you.

A new study from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention published online in the journal Pediatrics showed that the number of teenagers with higher-than-normal blood glucose levels has increased from 9 percent in 1999-2000 to 23 percent in 2007-8.”

“That’s particularly significant because most people with pre-diabetes go on to develop type 2 diabetes. The disease, also known as adult onset diabetes, used to be found mainly in patients over age 45. But recently, the number of teenagers diagnosed with type 2 diabetes has climbed to 3,600 teenagers per year.

And while this trend has closely followed the nation’s weight gain, obesity is only one of the contributing factors. A person’s family history and ethnicity also play a role.

“When you find out that mom and dad have diabetes, you are at an extremely high risk,” explained Dr. Robert Ratner, chief scientific and medical officer of the American Diabetes Association. “The children who are at high risk are those who come from high-risk ethnic groups. The highest of which are American Indians, African Americans, Hispanic
Latinos, and Asian Pacific Islanders.”

“That’s particularly significant because most people with pre-diabetes go on to develop type 2 diabetes. The disease, also known as adult onset diabetes, used to be found mainly in patients over age 45. But recently, the number of teenagers diagnosed with type 2 diabetes has climbed to 3,600 teenagers per year.

Diabetes prevention, 2008.11.24 Things you don\'t believe when you\'re 16…

Diabetes prevention, 2008.11.24 Things you don't believe when you're 16…—a drian (

And while this trend has closely followed the nation’s weight gain, obesity is only one of the contributing factors. A person’s family history and ethnicity also play a role.

“When you find out that mom and dad have diabetes, you are at an extremely high risk,” explained Dr. Robert Ratner, chief scientific and medical officer of the American Diabetes Association. “The children who are at high risk are those who come from high-risk ethnic groups. The highest of which are American Indians, African Americans, Hispanic Latinos, and Asian Pacific Islanders.” By: Maria Lopez Conde / PBS NewsHour

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